Kenyan Arabica coffee is one of
the world’s top 5 coffees. It is grown at elevations between 1,400 to 2,000
meters high. This gives Kenyan coffee beans the special qualification of
Strictly High Grown (SHG) / Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) status.
Kenyan coffee has the medium
acidity coffee lovers crave as well as the rich berry undertones that can
convert any coffee pessimist to a coffee lover.
Our Kenyan Coffee beans undergo
wet processing and therefore taste cleaner and feel thinner in the mouth (i.e.,
have less body) once brewed. Some roasters partly attribute the amazing high
acid content Kenyan coffees are known for to the wet processing we undertake on
Grades are given to coffee beans
before roasting to determine their size. Bean size is important since beans of
the same size roast at the same rates. Grade E or Elephant grade coffee beans
are the largest grade of Kenyan beans.
This category includes:
1. Kenya AA beans
2. Kenya PB (PeaBerry) beans
Other coffee grades include the:
AB, C, TT, T, and MH/ML coffee bean grades. The grade determines the flavor
profile of one cup of Kenyan coffee versus another. Kenya AA beans, for
instance, are typically sweeter than, say, Kenya MH/ML beans, which are
low-quality and tend to taste sour.
Kenya is predominately a
tea-drinking country and therefore only consumes a fraction of the coffee it
Fresh Marvels Ltd focuses primarily on the AA, AB and PB grades but can also provide the other grades if required.